Offering Envelopes
Call the office if you are not currently receiving offering envelopes and we can get you some!
Give your offering on Sunday mornings in the offering plate.
Call the office if you are not currently receiving offering envelopes and we can get you some!
Give your offering on Sunday mornings in the offering plate.
Memorials can be given “In memory” or “ In Honor” of loved ones, friends and family.
Memorials can be given “In memory” or “ In Honor” of loved ones, friends and family.
Online Giving
Click the link below for online giving
To give online to Concordia Lutheran Church of Pickerel Lake, click here: Online Giving
Please consider using an ACH/Bank rather than a credit card.
Thank you for your generosity! is an easy-to-use platform for online giving. If you have questions about online giving, check out their Frequently Asked Questions page:
Please consider using an ACH/Bank rather than a credit card.
Thank you for your generosity! is an easy-to-use platform for online giving. If you have questions about online giving, check out their Frequently Asked Questions page: